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Sonia Burel : artiste peintre
Art géométrique, peinture abstraite
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelHome     Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelPortrait     Interview de Sonia BurelInterview by Bruno Mathon
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelPortrait by the artist
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelText by Bruno Mathon
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelInterview by Bruno Mathon
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelCollage by Bruno Mathon
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelCanal Saint Martin by Bruno Mathon
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelInstallation by the artist
Workshop of Bruno Mathon, artist and Art critic
Ateliers Beaux-Arts of Paris ( drawing, painting, gravure )
DEUG de Langues Étrangères Appliquées Université de Paris 8 English - German
Atelier-school Leconte, Paris
Academy La Grande Chaumière, Paris
BM: When you are painting what is the most important thing, the central thing ?
Sonia: The balance between form and color. The balance and evolution of the colors themselves, evolving in mass and resonance.. Then appears a kind of music. That’s why I listen to a lot of music while I paint. It influences me a lot. I never listen to classical music though, it moves me too much. I’m expressing an inner music in a kind of rythmical composition of colors.. . But the musicality is not always at the center of what I am doing, it depends on the paintings, Some follow the dictates of other incentives.
BM: What part does thought play ?
Sonia: Thought appears when I start to touch up a painting after a first sketch that is often spontaneous. I see very quickly what is wrong regarding the balance of rythms and colors. That’s a thinking moment . Of course I ‘m also thinking during the previous moment but in an abstract way, I am obviously obliged to think about what I am going to do, about the prior idea. But after when I start retouching my work, I am looking for the right note, I think by acting on the canvas. At the beginning I see forms and colors but it is imprecise and so I need to draw to make them appear then going into detail, I polish.
BM: Is meaning, signification important for you ?
Sonia: There is no concept. Signification is related to emotions, it’s really pictorial. The meaning is not important. I was fascinated by colors when I was a child, I loved to play with the colors of building blocks. It also took me a long time to dress up, to choose the colors of my clothes, I often put different colored socks on each foot. In fact my taste of color organization comes from way back, it is a game. I like the spontaneaous side of this collection, I think it is linked to the colors and for example I have never done black and white paintings ; I will maybe do some one day, but the colors call for forms and help them to exist. I think of a color and the form appears suddenly in shape of a big recumbent rectangle or a circle… Color and form are indissociable. Certain colors have more weight than other ones and where a little note of a certain color I will put in a little square, if I put it in a big one we will see only it.
BM: What is the importance of light ?
Sonia: Very important in my paintings. I worked on the night’s light and the effect it has on darkness, on obscurity. In Dakar by night I worked the color black ; on the other hand in Paris by night I went towards blue. I want to do more paintings whith initial inspiration coming from light ; maybe creating transparencies, using another medium like installation or video. br> Anyways light is central but I don’t represent it, it is the product of my imagination after for example, the observation of the urban landscape here in Paris : a panorama where we see lights point ; I then retranscribe the lights coming from reality into the painting. I work with faraway memories, reminiscences or even sometimes pictures. In fact I retranscribe light into geometrical patterns : if I put there a lighter square than the other one, it will immediatly illuminate the painiting. Nothing to do with Turner or Whisler, I’m creating a pattern, there is no halo. I would like to make one day a painting inspired by the Eiffel Tower flickering through the night.
BM: Are your paintings organic or mechanical ?
Sonia: They’re more about visual mechanics. I create abstract objects, « systems ». Patterns are generated and change almost with each painting because the reality that inspires them is different. I don’t try to represent night in Paris, I show something that is in my head, something that has been named by observation : it’s a mental product designated by a reality. It’s a personal vision, a game, the painting is an image that arrives. It’s an abstract way to show the reality.
BM: What is the part of emotion ?
Sonia: My eyes feed off what I see , reality moves me. There are some things that some find ugly and in which I find beauty. Each individual has his own vision of things. I see things that move me, I use them as a subject but they can appear as being perfectly banal to someone else. Everyone has his vision, his own esthetical perception. The subject is an instrument to arouse a painting but it always comes from an esthetical emotion. I would really like to paint fireworks for example ; it sounds difficult but maybe one day I will succeed...
Paris, 18th march 2007
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