art-geometrique art-geometrique art-geometrique
Sonia Burel : artiste peintre
Art géométrique, peinture abstraite
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelHome     Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelPortrait     
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelPortrait by the artist
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelText by Bruno Mathon
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelInterview by Bruno Mathon
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelCollage by Bruno Mathon
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelCanal Saint Martin by Bruno Mathon
Lire le portrait de Sonia BurelInstallation by the artist
Workshop of Bruno Mathon, artist and Art critic
Ateliers Beaux-Arts of Paris ( drawing, painting, gravure )
DEUG de Langues Étrangères Appliquées Université de Paris 8 English - German
Atelier-school Leconte, Paris
Academy La Grande Chaumière, Paris

My artistic process concerns geometric abstraction. It is an abstract mental construction based either on the balance of shapes and colors coming from my interior imaginary, or from the abstract representation of a reality that has captured my attention, my eye.

Elements of a reality that seduced me are taken aside and constitute afterwards the main subject of the future painting. These elements could be colors, lights or geometric forms and are then transported in a geometric way into a composition where the initial reality is present but in a shematic way.

In my painting series about lights (Paris by night, Cab, Orscha by night) I retranscribed in an abstract way city’s lights to make revealing a city panorama varying in accordance with the painting’s subject. The lights in these paintings constitute the principal object of the composition and are represented by lively colors faithful to the initial reality. They stand out of the background like a light that glitters and create a particular rythm in the geometric construction of the painting. This geometric abstract transcription can be interpreted as a deconstruction of the reality, a disorganised pixelisation of the subject.

Sonia Burel,
Paris, december 2006
Site Sonia Burel version françaiseFrançais   Site Sonia Burel version anglaiseEnglish Crédits
art-geometrique art-geometrique